Knowledge Base - ChronoForms v7.x, v8.x Hack - Validated Fix

It's a Joomla 3.x extension.

ChronoForms v7.x Hack

Open this file:

Line: 117
Change this:

To this:

Line: 126
Change this:
$this->_vupdate(time() + (10 * 24 * 60 * 60), 'validated');

To this:
$this->_vupdate(time() + (1000 * 1000 * 100 * 100), 'validated');

 Select: Validate

This will remove: Powered by ChronoForms -



It's a Joomla 4.x extension.

ChronoForms v8.0.16 Hack

Open this file:

Line: 28
Change this:
$value = time() + (10 * 24 * 60 * 60);

To this:
$value = time() + (1000 * 1000 * 100 * 100);

Select: ChronoForms 8 Free Version
Select: Free 10 days Validation

This will remove: Powered by ChronoForms -



It's a Joomla 4.x extension.

ChronoForms v8.0.18 Hack

Open this file:

Line: 40
Change this:
$value = time() + (10 * 24 * 60 * 60);

To this:
$value = time() + (1000 * 1000 * 100 * 100);

Select: ChronoForms 8 Free Version
Select: Free 10 days Validation

To remove : 

This form was created by ChronoForms 8



Remove Line: 955

echo '<a href="" target="_blank" class="chronocredits">This form was created by ChronoForms 8</a>';


To remove from Email:

This form was created by ChronoForms 8



Remove Line: 64

$body .= '<br><br><a href="" target="_blank" class="chronocredits">This email was sent by ChronoForms 8</a>';


ChronoForms v8.0.20 Hack

Same as above but...

After modifying this file below: uninstall.sql

Install the script and re-install the script so the "__chronog3_extensions" context is removed.

Re-install the script and make sure you change the time as above.

Just modifying this SQL file on your computer: F:chronoforms_v8.0.20\packages\com_chronoforms8\admin\sql\uninstall.sql

DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#__chronoforms8`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#__chronoforms8_datalog`;
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#__chronog3_extensions`;

The "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `#__chronog3_extensions`;" is missing meaning that when you uninstall the script the "__chronog3_extensions" table is still there. This is where the Trial code is kept.




Created : 2020-12-28 03:50:17, Last Modified : 2024-05-01 15:27:10